Sunday 18 March 2018

Christow to Hold Triples Competition in April

Invite you to our

Spring Bowling Picnic
In aid of

As it’s a picnic, have a rummage in your chest of drawers or walk-in wardrobe (if you’re posh) and wear something suitable for bowling in the country There will be a prize for the best dressed team (no wellies on the mats!).
This exciting event is taking place on the 27th April 2018 9.30am start.
Cost £30.00 per team to include a picnic lunch, glass of scrumpy, tea and cakes etc.

Venue: Community Sports Hall. Christow EX6 7WA
Closing date 13th April.
Further details can be found on the competitions page. Entry forms are being sent to Club Secretaries. Alternatively you can use the contact form on this Blog to request a copy.

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