Sunday 25 March 2018

County Team Club Tens Final Report

Today Christow, Great Torrington, Sidbury and Totnes Creameries took part in the Finals of The County Tens ay ISCA. Ten players from each club made up a team consisting of a Singles, Pairs, Triples and Fours. All played 3 matches in a round robin format with the Singles and Pairs playing first followed by the Triples and Fours. The winners were decided by overall points 2 for a win, 1 for a draw etc. Also accumulated shots were important in the case of a tie. The overall winners were Totnes Creameries with 15 points with Great Torrington taking the runners up spot with 13 points. Christow and Sidbury both finished on 10 points. Sidbury took 3rd spot as their shot difference was better than Christow's. It was a very enjoyable day of bowls despite the result.
The County AGM followed after the presentation of the trophies.

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